
Wednesday, 9 September 2015

How to prevent yourself from getting sick

This term we have being learning explanation writing. Explanation writing is something you write about and you have to explain why and this weeks topic is how to prevent yourself from getting sick . These are my three main ideas and reasons how to prevent yourself from getting sick .

Winter is here and with winter comes sickness being sick is not very nice so it is important we look after ourselves. So that we don't get sick and make others sick . The following paragraphs I am going to be talking about is how to prevent yourself from getting sick and reasons why.

One of the easiest ways of staying healthy is eating a balanced range of food. This means eating from the 5 food groups with a focus on fruits and vegetables. If you do that then your body will receive all the nutrients it needs to be in the best condition to fight off invading germs.

One of the best ways to prevent yourself from getting sick is not sharing food or drinks that you have already eaten or drunk. This means  you should not share food or a drink that you have already eaten or drunk. If you do that then it would stop you and another people from getting sick and sharing germs with them.

Another way to prevent yourself from getting sick is not touching public toilets and other public objects. This means being careful of what you touch in public so that you don't get germs from other people touching it. If you do that then you wouldn't have any germs and would prevent yourself from getting sick .

So those are my three main ideas and reasons that will prevent yourself from getting sick. If you do those three ideas you will have a good and healthy life . I hope you enjoy your life and keep it nice and healthy.


  1. Hi Ebony,

    I like the way you explain and giving us some ideas of not getting sick and been healthy thank you Ebony

    1. Hi Faioso ,
      Thank you for the comments and hope you prevent yourself from not getting sick.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
